The Latter-day Disciples Podcast

Ep. 158 | Discovering Your True Identity through Jesus Christ, with Kirsten Tyrell

Meghan Farner

Meghan is joined by Kirsten Tyrell of the Unshakable Confidence to discuss discovering our TRUE identities. 

1:17 Kirsten's ministry
5:51 The progression of religious to spiritual
9:00 What does that progression look like?
13:32 The challenge is the way
16:08 Progression and connection to God in your current circumstance
19:33 Stepping into keeping our covenants
24:38 Near death experiences - feeling God's love and coming to Christ
30:48 Being rooted in Christ - learning our true identity
41:50 T.R.U.E. framework
46:59 The feminine path of repentance

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