Hidden Wisdom by the Latter-day Disciples

Ep. 155 | Angels, Intuition, & Developing Spiritual Gifts, with Leah Guy

Meghan Farner
Audio Player
00:00:00 | 01:03:08

Meghan is joined by author and Christian-spiritual thought-leader Leah Guy. Topics include:

- Navigating Unseen Forces
- Moving through dark times in our lives
- God's Guidance for Healing
- Holding Both Love and Pain
- Conversational prayers

Leah Guy is a spiritual teacher, speaker and intuitive healing artist. She's the author of three books including "Overcoming Toxic Emotions," currently published in four languages, as well as "The One-Woman Show, "The Light Night of the Soul." Leah uses her personal triumphs over sexual abuse, addiction, anxiety and eating disorders, along with more than two decades of experience in private practice working with clients and organizations, helping people transform their lives. 

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